Delaware Corp., et al. - Page 43

                                       - 43 -                                         
          Beach property was sold.17  At all relevant times after July 31,            
          1993, the Caroline County farm and the Virginia Beach property              
          remained unsold, and Delaware Corporation did not make any                  
          payments to Ms. Havens on the Caroline County farm note or the              
          Virginia Beach property note.18                                             
               In addition, the Caroline County farm contract and the                 
          Virginia Beach contract contained other provisions which indicate           
          that Ms. Havens did not transfer to Delaware Corporation as of              
          August 1, 1993, or any time thereafter during the years in                  
          question, the respective benefits and burdens of ownership of the           
          Caroline County farm and of the Virginia Beach property.  Pursu-            
          ant to those respective contracts, Delaware Corporation was not             
          permitted to (1) make any improvements to the respective proper-            
          ties without first obtaining Ms. Havens’s written approval or               
          (2) mortgage such respective properties to pay the Caroline                 
          County farm note and the Virginia Beach property note, respec-              
          tively, without the consent of Ms. Havens.                                  
               Another factor indicating that Ms. Havens did not transfer             

               17Ms. Havens had no obligation under the Virginia Beach                
          property contract to deliver a deed for the Virginia Beach                  
          property unless and until Delaware Corporation paid the Virginia            
          Beach property note in full.                                                
               18The Caroline County farm contract and the Virginia Beach             
          property contract did not specify any dates by which the Caroline           
          County farm and the Virginia Beach property, respectively, were             
          to be sold.  As a result, the respective maturity dates for the             
          Caroline County farm note and the Virginia Beach property note              
          were open-ended.                                                            

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