Delaware Corp., et al. - Page 45

                                       - 45 -                                         
          Mr. Braun advised them to treat the Caroline County farm contract           
          and the Virginia Beach property contract as stockholder loans in            
          Delaware Corporation’s financial statements.                                
               In addition, both the Caroline County farm assignment and              
          the Virginia Beach property assignment, which assigned Delaware             
          Corporation’s respective interests in the Caroline County farm              
          contract and the Virginia Beach property contract to a family               
          limited partnership (i.e., MSG-STG L.P.) controlled by Ms. Havens           
          and to Ms. Havens, respectively, contained acknowledgments that             
          Ms. Havens continued to own the Caroline County farm and the                
          Virginia Beach property as of the effective dates of those                  
          assignments.  Those assignments stated in pertinent part:                   
               WHEREAS, the parties wish the Assignment to allow                      
               Frances B. Havens to freely transfer and/or convey or                  
               sell her ownership in the * * * [Caroline County Farm                  
               or the Virginia Beach property] free and clear of any                  
               claims of interest or ownership by DELAWARE CORPORATION                
               under the August 1, 1993 contract of purchase.  [Empha-                
               sis added.]                                                            
               On the record before us, we find that petitioners have                 
          failed to carry their burden of establishing that the Caroline              
          County farm contract and the Virginia Beach property contract               
          conferred on Delaware Corporation as of August 1, 1993, or any              
          time thereafter during the years in question, the respective                
          benefits and burdens of ownership (i.e., equitable ownership) of            
          the Caroline County farm and the Virginia Beach property.                   
               With respect to Delaware Corporation’s payments of the                 

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