Estate of Josephine T. Thompson, Deceased, Carl T. Holst-Knudsen and the Bank of New York, Executors - Page 41

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          which we regard as somewhat in tension with his role as a                   
          purported independent valuation expert for the estate.                      
               Wichorek provides accounting and tax preparation services,             
          does business consulting, and undertakes occasional valuations              
          for small businesses, generally in the context of divorce and               
          property settlement disputes.  He belongs to no professional                
          organizations or associations relating to his appraisal or                  
          valuation work.                                                             
               Although we admitted into evidence the estate’s valuation              
          reports and treated them as credible, we regard those reports and           
          the testimony of the estate’s experts to be only marginally                 
          credible.  Goerig and Wichorek were barely qualified to value a             
          highly successful and well-established New York City-based                  
          company with annual income in the millions of dollars.13                    
               In our opinion, in computing the sustainable net income of             
          TPC, the estate’s experts incorrectly applied a 12-percent risk             
          factor relating to the Internet and technology.  We acknowledge             
          that while the Internet posed certain risks to TPC, the Internet            
          also provided significant new business and financial                        
          opportunities to TPC to increase revenue and profitability.  As             

               13  At trial, the estate called additional expert witnesses            
          in an attempt to provide corroboration for aspects of the                   
          valuation of TPC and of the estate’s interest in TPC by Goerig              
          and Wichorek.  Such witnesses, however, have not cured the                  
          concerns we have with Goerig’s and Wichorek’s valuation of TPC              
          and of the estate’s interest therein.                                       

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Last modified: May 25, 2011