Estate of Josephine T. Thompson, Deceased, Carl T. Holst-Knudsen and the Bank of New York, Executors - Page 46

                                       - 46 -                                         
          other concern with the presence of this outside stockholder.  The           
          longstanding stock interest of this actual outside investor in              
          TPC suggests that a hypothetical outside investor would be                  
          interested in an investment in TPC in the nature of the minority            
          20-percent stock interest held by the estate.                               
               We reject the minority and lack of marketability discounts             
          used by the estate’s experts.                                               
               Turning to respondent’s expert’s valuation, respondent’s               
          expert appeared to be concerned with numbers only and did not               
          appear to make an effort to base his valuation of TPC on a real             
          company.  His sterile approach is reflected both in his                     
          comparable public company analysis and in his discounted cashflow           
               In his comparable public company analysis, respondent’s                
          expert used information on 11 companies which, only in a broad              
          sense, relate to TPC.  Valuation of a company under a comparable            
          public company method may be simple and quick, but such an                  
          approach also may be easily misapplied.  With regard to this                
          concern, valuation textbooks caution:                                       

                    The allure of multiples is that they are simple                   
               and easy to relate to.  * * *                                          
                    By the same token, they are also easy to misuse and               
               manipulate, especially when comparable firms are used.                 
               Given that no two firms are exactly similar in terms of risk           
               and growth, the definition of comparable firm is a                     
               subjective one.  Consequently a biased analyst can choose a            
               group of comparable firms to confirm his or her biases about           

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