Transport Labor Contract/Leasing, Inc. & Subsidiaries - Page 60

                                       - 60 -60                                           
               On the record before us, we find that TLC’s right to lease a           
          driver-employee to a trucking company client while it was leasing           
          such driver-employee to another trucking company client and                 
          thereby to assign additional projects to such driver-employee is            
          a factor evidencing that TLC was the employer of each driver-               
          Employee Benefits For Each Driver-Employee                                  
               Petitioner does not address TLC’s sponsorship of certain               
          employee benefits with respect to which each driver-employee made           
          payments through payroll deductions, including:  (1) A section              
          401(k) plan; (2) a section 125 flexible benefit plan; and                   
          (3) group or individual health insurance.47                                 
               On the record before us, we find that TLC’s sponsorship of             
          certain employee benefit plans for the driver-employees is a                
          factor evidencing that TLC was the employer of each driver-                 

               46We note that TLC frequently was successful in reassigning            
          a driver-employee from one trucking company client that no longer           
          wished to use such driver-employee to another trucking company              
          client.  TLC also reassigned to another trucking company client             
          any driver-employee who no longer wished to work with a particu-            
          lar trucking company client to which TLC had assigned such                  
               47Certain trucking company clients paid at least part of the           
          premiums associated with the health insurance plan that TLC                 
          sponsored for the driver-employees whom TLC leased to them.  See            
          supra note 13.  TLC paid the premiums associated with the $5,000            
          group term life insurance policy provided for each driver-em-               

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