Transport Labor Contract/Leasing, Inc. & Subsidiaries - Page 57

                                       - 57 -57                                           
          Hiring of Each Driver-Employee                                              
               Petitioner argues that TLC exercised only an advisory role             
          in hiring each driver-employee.  Petitioner also points out that,           
          when a trucking company became a client of TLC, the truck drivers           
          who had worked for that trucking company continued performing               
          work at that trucking company client as driver-employees.                   
               Respondent counters that the exclusive lease agreement                 
          provided that TLC had the sole and absolute authority to hire               
          each driver-employee and that TLC did not hire a truck driver as            
          a driver-employee until he or she passed TLC’s screening and                
          approval process.  According to respondent, TLC’s screening and             
          approval process was no formality, and in fact TLC rejected 10 to           
          15 percent of the truck drivers whom its trucking company clients           
          referred to it.                                                             
               We have found that TLC had the sole and absolute authority             
          to hire each driver-employee.  Before TLC hired a truck driver as           
          a driver-employee, such truck driver had to pass TLC’s screening            
          and approval process.  TLC rejected 10 to 15 percent of the truck           
          drivers whom its trucking company clients referred to it.                   
          Moreover, TLC hired approximately 25 percent of its driver-                 
          employees through its own recruitment efforts.  Ms. Fiereck, the            
          president of Parkway, testified that TLC, and not Parkway,                  
          decided whether or not it would hire truck drivers whom Parkway             

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Last modified: May 25, 2011