Transport Labor Contract/Leasing, Inc. & Subsidiaries - Page 58

                                       - 58 -58                                           
          referred to TLC.45                                                          
               On the record before us, we find that TLC’s sole and abso-             
          lute authority to hire each driver-employee is a factor evidenc-            
          ing that TLC was the employer of each driver-employee.                      
          Source of the Instrumentalities and Tools                                   
               Petitioner argues that each trucking company client provided           
          the tools and instrumentalities of each driver-employee’s work              
          because such trucking company client owned or leased the trucks             
          that such driver-employee drove.                                            
               Respondent counters that “The fact that the Drivers did not            
          provide their own equipment and facilities * * * is of little               
          significance in determining by whom they were employed.”                    
               We have found that TLC was in the business of leasing                  
          driver-employees, and not in the trucking business.  In contrast,           
          each trucking company client was in the trucking business and               
          needed to own or lease one or more trucks in order to conduct               
          that business.                                                              
               On the record before us, we find that each trucking company            
          client’s owning or leasing the truck driven by each driver-                 
          employee whom it leased from TLC is a neutral factor in determin-           
          ing whether TLC was the employer of each driver-employee.                   

               45See supra note 41.                                                   

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Last modified: May 25, 2011