Transport Labor Contract/Leasing, Inc. & Subsidiaries - Page 61

                                       - 61 -61                                           
          Authority To Determine Driver-Employee’s Vacation                           
               Petitioner argues that each trucking company client, and not           
          TLC, had the authority to determine whether to permit a driver-             
          employee whom TLC leased to such trucking company client to take            
          any vacation days.                                                          
               Respondent does not dispute that each trucking company                 
          client had such authority.  Instead, respondent maintains that              
          determining whether to permit a driver-employee to take vacation            
          days “is, like dispatching, a function which must necessarily be            
          performed by the Trucking Company and therefore has little                  
          bearing on which party is the employer.”                                    
               On the record before us, we find that each trucking company            
          client’s authority to determine whether to permit a driver-                 
          employee whom TLC leased to it to take any vacation days is a               
          factor evidencing that each trucking company client was the                 
          employer of each driver-employee.                                           
          Method of Payment                                                           
               Petitioner argues that “It is clear that the source of the             
          funds used to meet [TLC’s] payroll obligations was from income              
          earned by the Trucking Companies.”  That is because, according to           
          petitioner, “TLC required the Trucking Companies to wire transfer           
          the funds to TLC before TLC would issue payroll.”  Petitioner               
          also points out that, in order to ensure that TLC had sufficient            

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Last modified: May 25, 2011