Anschutz Company and Subsidiaries - Page 59

                                       - 59 -                                         
               In the Dallas-Houston project, Qwest installed 270 miles of            
          conduit, pulled fiber, and lit the fiber without a third-party              
          contract in place.  Petitioners explain that this was not a                 
          departure from Qwest’s normal business strategy because Qwest               
          began construction only after management assured Mr. Anschutz               
          that WilTel would purchase the conduit.  Subsequently, WilTel               
          purchased the Dallas-Houston conduit system.                                
               The Cal Fiber and Dallas-Houston projects were departures              
          from Qwest’s general conduit installation and fiber-pulling                 
          procedures.  However, the significance respondent attaches to the           
          departures is not justified.  The testimony shows that the                  
          projects were consistent with Qwest’s overall business strategy             
          of installing conduit or pulling fiber only when the risk of                
          doing so could be limited.  These projects do not suggest that              
          Qwest’s primary focus in the projects at issue was its retained             
          assets rather than the conduit installed or fiber pulled for the            
          third-party customer, as respondent contends.                               
               Accordingly, we find that Qwest’s primary focus in its nine            
          conduit installation projects and three IRU projects was the                
          third-party customer contracts.  But for the existence of the               
          third-party contracts, Qwest would not have installed additional            
          conduit or pulled additional fiber.                                         

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Last modified: May 25, 2011