Anschutz Company and Subsidiaries - Page 64

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                         e.   Summary                                                 
               With regard to the projects in issue, petitioners have shown           
          that Qwest would not have installed additional conduit or pulled            
          additional fiber without first securing a customer contract.                
          Qwest’s allocation of all costs necessary to complete the                   
          customer contract to that contract is consistent with Qwest’s               
          business strategy.  Qwest’s allocation of the incremental costs             
          to its retained assets reflects the risk involved with and the              
          incremental cost of installing those assets.  For these reasons,            
          we find that Qwest’s incremental cost allocation method is                  
          consistent with its business strategy because it reflects Qwest’s           
          decision-making process and the economic reality of the projects            
          at issue.                                                                   
                    3.   Expert Testimony                                             
               Petitioners’ cost accounting expert, Professor Charles E.              
          Horngren (Professor Horngren), is the Edmund W. Littlefield                 
          Professor of Accounting, Emeritus, at Stanford University.  He              
          has been a professor for more than 37 years and his cost                    
          accounting treatise, originally published in 1962, is currently             
          in its 12th edition.  In Professor Horngren’s expert opinion,               
          when costs are allocated consistently with one’s business                   
          strategy, the allocations are reasonable.  In his expert report,            
          Professor Horngren explains:                                                
                    The basic Qwest idea was to get a customer who                    
               pays enough to justify installing and selling one                      

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