Howard J. Kaplan and Brenda L. Kaplan, et al. - Page 18

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               ZERO % Functional and External Depreciation-BOTH BLDGS                 
               TOTAL DEPRECIATED VALUES--BOTH # 1 & #2= $ 950,000 PLUS                
               depreciated values for the Storage Shed, Chain Link                    
               Fence and Sanitary Sewer System - $ 40,000                             
               IMPROVEMENT COSTS...$ 990,000 LAND...2.0435 ACRES...                   
               $ 35,000 (2.0435 acres @ $17,000 acre)                                 
               TOTAL COST OPINION OF VALUE-$1,025,000                                 
                  *       *       *       *       *       *       *                   
                                PUBLIC RECORD VALUES                                  
               From the Sandusky County Auditor’s Office in Fremont[,]                
               OH-December 1999[.]  AUDITOR’S TRUE VALUES of the                      
               Subject BUILDING # 1 built in 1958 and remodeled in                    
               1994.  AUDITOR’S COST NEW @ $ 34.74 sf. 11,664 sf. LESS                
               82% Physical Depreciation= $ 73,000 ($ 405,000 less                    
               AUDITOR’S TRUE VALUES of the Subject BUILDING # 2 built                
               in 1998.  3,600 sf. @ 38.86 sf. LESS 5% Physical Depre-                
               ciation= $ 139,900 ($ 140,000 less $ 7000)                             
               AUDITOR’S TRUE VALUES of the Subject Driveways and                     
               Parking Areas 25,000 sf. @ $1.50 sf. LESS 13% Physical                 
               Depreciation= $ 32,500                                                 
               NOTE:  The Storage Shed with 120 sf. and the private                   
               Sanitary Sewer System were NOT INCLUDED in the AUDI-                   
               TOR’S TRUE VALUES                                                      
               IMPROVEMENT TRUE VALUES= $ 245,400                                     
               AUDITOR’S TRUE VALUES of Subject LAND of 2.0435 acres                  
               $ 30,000 or $ 14,680 per Acre                                          
               TOTAL IMPROVEMENTS and LAND $ 275,000                                  

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Last modified: May 25, 2011