United States v. Hill, 506 U.S. 546, 4 (1993)

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Cite as: 506 U. S. 546 (1993)

Opinion of the Court

ence" on which a taxpayer must pay a "minimum tax" for the tax year in question.1 See § 56(a). In determining the adjusted bases of their deposit interests, the Hills included not only the unrecovered portions of the amounts they originally paid to purchase the interests, but also the unrecovered costs of depreciable tangible items (machinery, tools, pipes, and so forth) used to exploit the deposits. Having thus reduced the amount of each item of tax preference under § 57(a)(8), they calculated and paid minimum taxes on those items of $29,812 for 1981 and $26,736 for 1982.

The Commissioner of Internal Revenue disputed the inclusion of the tangible costs in the deposits' adjusted bases, and assessed a larger minimum tax based on their exclusion. The Hills paid the resulting respective deficiencies of $30,963 and $18,733, and filed a refund claim, which the Commissioner denied. The taxpayers then sued the United States, petitioner here, for a refund in the Claims Court, which granted summary judgment in their favor. 21 Cl. Ct. 713 (1990). The Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit affirmed. 945 F. 2d 1529 (1991). Because of the importance of the issue to the federal fisc, we granted certiorari. 503 U. S. 1004 (1992). We now reverse.

1 All references to the Internal Revenue Code and related Treasury Regulations are to those that applied during the tax years at issue. The Treasury Regulations are cited as codified in the 1981 and 1982 editions of Title 26 of the Code of Federal Regulations. In the course of enacting the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, Congress redesignated § 57(a)(8) as § 57(a)(1) for taxable years beginning after 1986. See Tax Reform Act of 1986, Pub. L. 99-514, §§ 701(a) and 701(f)(1), 100 Stat. 2333, 2343. In October 1992, Congress enacted the Energy Policy Act of 1992, Pub. L. 102- 486, 106 Stat. 2776. Section 1915(a) of that Act amends § 57(a)(1) of the Internal Revenue Code and provides that, for taxable years beginning after December 31, 1992, the depletion allowance permitted under § 613A(c) of the Code will not be treated as an item of tax preference subject to taxation as alternative minimum taxable income. See n. 3, infra.


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