§ 28C.18.070. Intent -- "Program" clarified
(1) The legislature continues to recognize the vital role that workforce development efforts play in equipping the state's workers with the skills they need to succeed in an economy that requires higher levels of skill and knowledge. The legislature also recognizes that businesses are increasingly relying on the state's workforce development programs and expect them to be responsive to their changing skill requirements. The state benefits from a workforce development system that allows firms and workers to be highly competitive in global markets.
(2) The establishment of the workforce training and education coordinating board was an integral step in developing a strategic approach to workforce development. For the coordinating board to carry out its intended role, the board must be able to give unambiguous guidance to operating agencies, the governor, and the legislature. It is the intent of chapter 130, Laws of 1995, to clarify the preeminent role intended for the workforce training and education coordinating board in coordination and policy development of the state's workforce development efforts.
(3) In the event that federal workforce development funds are block granted to the state, it is the intent of the legislature to seek the broadest possible input, from local and statewide organizations concerned with workforce development, on the allocation of the federal funds.
(4) For purposes of RCW 28C.18.080 through 28C.18.110, the term "program" shall not refer to the activities of individual institutions such as individual community or technical colleges, common schools, service delivery areas, or job service centers; nor shall it refer to individual fields of study or courses.
[1995 c 130 § 1.]
Sections: Previous 28C.18.005 28C.18.010 28C.18.020 28C.18.030 28C.18.040 28C.18.050 28C.18.060 28C.18.070 28C.18.080 28C.18.090 28C.18.100 28C.18.110 28C.18.120 28C.18.130 28C.18.132 NextLast modified: April 7, 2009