§ 28C.18.080. Comprehensive plan -- Contents -- Updates -- Agency operating plans -- Reports to the legislature
(1) The state comprehensive plan for workforce training and education shall be updated every two years and presented to the governor and the appropriate legislative policy committees. Following public hearings, the legislature shall, by concurrent resolution, approve or recommend changes to the initial plan and the updates. The plan shall then become the state's workforce training policy unless legislation is enacted to alter the policies set forth in the plan.
(2) The comprehensive plan shall include workforce training role and mission statements for the workforce development programs of operating agencies represented on the board and sufficient specificity regarding expected actions by the operating agencies to allow them to carry out actions consistent with the comprehensive plan.
(3) Operating agencies represented on the board shall have operating plans for their workforce development efforts that are consistent with the comprehensive plan and that provide detail on implementation steps they will take to carry out their responsibilities under the plan. Each operating agency represented on the board shall provide an annual progress report to the board.
(4) The comprehensive plan shall include recommendations to the legislature and the governor on the modification, consolidation, initiation, or elimination of workforce training and education programs in the state.
(5) The comprehensive plan shall address how the state's workforce development system will meet the needs of employers hiring for industrial projects of statewide significance.
(6) The board shall report to the appropriate legislative policy committees by December 1 of each year on its progress in implementing the comprehensive plan and on the progress of the operating agencies in meeting their obligations under the plan.
[1997 c 369 § 5; 1995 c 130 § 2.]
Industrial project of statewide significance -- Defined: RCW 43.157.010.
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Last modified: April 7, 2009