Ex parte WARNER et al. - Page 14

          Appeal No. 95-2440                                                          
          Application 07/705,726                                                      

               Under the second paragraph of § 112, the examiner may                  
          reject  claims as being indefinite if they omit essential                   
          elements, steps or necessary structural cooperative                         
          relationship of elements.  See In re Collier, 397 F.2d 1003,                
          1005, 158 USPQ 266, 267 (CCPA 1968).  Not every omission,                   
          however, renders the claims indefinite, for they need not                   
          recite every detail of patent applicants' process.  See In re               
          Johnson, 558 F.2d 1008, 1017, 194 USPQ 187, 195 (CCPA 1977);                
          In re Roberts, 470 F.2d 1399, 1403, 176 USPQ 313, 315 (CCPA                 
          1973); In re Rainer, 305 F.2d 505, 509, 134 USPQ 343, 346                   
          (CCPA 1962).  Breadth must not be equated with indefiniteness.              
          In re Miller, 441 F.2d 689, 693, 169 USPQ 597, 599-600 (CCPA                
               The examiner has rejected claims 46 through 50, 52, 57                 
          through 61, 63 and 72 through 98 under 35 U.S.C. § 112, second              
          paragraph, as being indefinite.  To sustain this rejection,                 
          the examiner made the following conclusory remark:                          
               These claims are vague in that they fail to                            
               recite specific process fabrication steps necessary                    
               to fabricate three dimensional circuits.                               
          This conclusory remark, however, is devoid of any analysis or               
          explanation.  Absent an appropriate analysis or explanation,                

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