Ex parte WARNER et al. - Page 15

          Appeal No. 95-2440                                                          
          Application 07/705,726                                                      

          the examiner's remark is essentially unreviewable in any                    
          meaningful manner.                                                          
               Upon return of this application, the examiner is to                    
          reconsider the entire merits of the rejection consistent with               
          In re Collier, supra, In re Johnson, supra, In re Roberts,                  
          supra and In re Rainer, supra.  If the examiner remains of the              
          view that claims 46 through 50, 52, 57 through 61, 63 and 72                
          through 98 are still unpatentable under 35 U.S.C. § 112,                    
          second paragraph, the examiner should institute such a                      
          rejection.  The examiner needs to provide a complete analysis,              
          including statements and/or objective evidence as to why                    
          certain fabrication steps are essential.                                    
               The examiner has also rejected claims 72 through 76 and                
          84 under 35 U.S.C. § 112, second paragraph, as being                        
          indefinite.  The examiner took the position that the terms                  
          "repeatedly" and "substantially plane" recited therein render               
          the claims "vague and indefinite."  Under the second paragraph              
          of § 112, words used in claims must not be analyzed in vacuum.              
          Rather, they must be read in light of the teachings of the                  
          prior art and the application disclosure.  In re Moore, 439                 
          F.2d 1232, 1235, 169 USPQ 236, 238 (CCPA 1971).  However, the               

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