Ex parte WARNER et al. - Page 10

          Appeal No. 95-2440                                                          
          Application 07/705,726                                                      

          art.  See, e.g., appellants' entire specification and brief,                
          pages 26-28.  We are constrained to reversed this rejection.                
               The examiner has also rejected claims 87, 97 and 98 as                 
          being indefinite for reciting "appreciable intensity".  We                  
          shall not sustain this rejection.                                           
               Although we agree with the examiner that the                           
          specification does not provide a specific definition for                    
          "appreciable intensity", it is our view that one skilled in                 
          the pertinent art would know what is meant by "appreciable                  
          intensity" in view of the general guidelines contained in the               
          disclosure, see, e.g., In re Mattison, 509 F.2d 563, 565, 184               
          USPQ 484, 486-87 (CCPA 1975).  This is especially true in the               
          present situation since the claims limit the meaning of                     
          "appreciable intensity" to the particular function which is to              
          be achieved, i.e., inducing diffusion.  See In re Halleck, 422              
          F.2d 911, 164 USPQ 647 (CCPA 1970); Ex parte Skuballa, 12                   
          USPQ2d 1570 (Bd. Pat. App. & Int. 1989).                                    
               Further, the examiner has rejected claims 75 and 83 as                 
          being indefinite for reciting "in turn".  We shall sustain                  
          this rejection.  Although the phrase "in turn" itself is                    
          definite, the context in which it is used in the claims                     

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