Ex parte WARNER et al. - Page 4

          Appeal No. 95-2440                                                          
          Application 07/705,726                                                      

               87.  Method for fabricating a three-dimensional                        
          integrated circuit that is substantially monocrystalline and                
          that comprises a three-dimensional doping pattern achieved by               
          the growth of a sequence of discrete crystal-layer increments,              
          each increment having a two-dimensional doping pattern created              
          by a procedure that comprises at least three of the following               
          five steps:                                                                 
               a. growth by sputter epitaxy of a lightly doped first                  
          layer of semiconductor material of a first conductivity type;               
               b. growth by sputter epitaxy of a heavily doped second                 
          layer, thinner than said first layer, of the same                           
          semiconductor material and of a second conductivity type;                   
               c. localized diffusion in selected areas of the                        
          impurities present in the said second layer into the said                   
          first layer by causing patterned light of appreciable                       
          intensity to fall on the surface of the said second layer;                  
               d. uniform removal by ion milling of the said second                   
          layer, thus removing from nonselected areas essentially all of              
          the impurities associated with the said second layer of a                   
          second conductivity type, while leaving these said impurities               
          distributed through the thickness of the said first layer in                
          the said selected areas;                                                    
               e. thermal annealing of the grown crystal-layer increment              
          by using unpatterned incident light.                                        
               97.  Method for fabricating a three-dimensional                        
          integrated circuit that is substantially monocrystalline and                
          that comprises a three-dimensional doping pattern achieved by               
          the growth of a sequence of discrete crystal-layer increments,              
          each increment having a two-dimensional doping pattern created              
          by a procedure that comprises at least four of the following                
          five steps:                                                                 
               a. growth by sputter epitaxy of a lightly doped first                  
          layer of semiconductor material of a first conductivity type;               


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