Ex parte WARNER et al. - Page 2

          Appeal No. 95-2440                                                          
          Application 07/705,726                                                      

               Werner et al. (appellants) appeal from the final                       
          rejection of claims 46 through 50, 52, 57 through 61, 63 and                
          72 through 98. Claim 70 stands withdrawn from further                       
          consideration as directed to a non-elected invention.                       
               Claims 46, 77, 87 and 97 are representative of the                     
          subject matter on appeal and read as follows:                               
               46.  A method for fabricating an integrated circuit                    
          monolith that is substantially monocrystalline and having                   
          parts that are substantially lattice-matched, said monolith                 
          being three-dimensional in the sense that it comprises two or               
          more layers of circuitry, said method combining at least the                
          following technologies:                                                     
               a. sputter deposition of a type-1 semiconductor material               
          by using a type-1 semiconductor target;                                     
               b. sputter deposition of a small amount of heavily doped               
          type-2 semiconductor material by using a type-2 semiconductor               
               c. diffusion in selected areas of the type-2 impurity by               
          using incident patterned light;                                             
               d. removal of type-2 impurity from nonselected areas by                
          ion milling; and,                                                           
               e. rapid annealing by using general incident light.                    
               77. Method for fabricating a three-dimensional integrated              
          circuit that is substantially monocrystalline and that                      
          comprises a three-dimensaional doping pattern achieved by the               
          growth of a sequence of discrete crystal-layer increments,                  
          each increment having a two-dimensional doping pattern, said                
          sequence of crystal-layer increments created in a manner such               
          that their successive two-dimensional patterns intersect where              

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