Ex parte WARNER et al. - Page 18

          Appeal No. 95-2440                                                          
          Application 07/705,726                                                      

          make a § 102 rejection using pages 19 through 21 of the                     
          specification.  We must emphasize that it is not the role of                
          the Board of Patent Appeals and Interference to conduct                     
          examination in the first instance while an application is on                
               Upon return of this application, the examiner is to                    
          reconsider the entire merits of the § 102 rejection consistent              
          with our opinion.  If the examiner remains of the opinion that              
          the claims are still unpatentable over appellants' admitted                 
          prior art, he or she need to make appropriate findings of fact              
          regarding each and every claim limitations.                                 
                           PRIOR ART REJECTION UNDER § 103                            
               The examiner has rejected claims 46 through 50, 52, 57                 
          through 61, 63 and 72 through 98 under 35 U.S.C. § 103 as                   
          being unpatentable over Curran in view of Wehner, Potts and                 
          In rejecting the claims, the examiner acknowledged that they                
          "do not stand or fall together."  See Answer, page 2.  In                   
          other words, the examiner has agreed to treat the claims at                 
          issue separately.  The examiner, however, focused only on the               
          limitations of claim 46.  Even when appellants filed a Reply                

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