Ex parte GROVE - Page 13

          Appeal No. 96-3174                                                          
          Application 07/970,608                                                      

          clamp-up” volume (column 13, lines 62-68; column 27, lines 7-               
          53; Figures 5 and 6).  In the second alternative mode, a mold               
          plate (e.g., element 74) “floats” relative to its platen such               
          that, after the “soft” clamp-up condition is achieved,                      
          injected mold resin enters the mold cavity and melt pressure                
          drives the floating mold plate backwards to enlarge the mold                
          cavity against a minimal deflection force required to displace              
          the floating mold plate (column 14, lines 1-7; column 29,                   
          lines 3-23).                                                                
               At the outset, it is readily apparent that the second                  
          “floating” alternative mode does not anticipate claim 1.  This              
          is so because any minimal compression force that might be                   
          applied to the resin by the floating plate during injection in              
          the “floating” alternative mode occurs as the mold cavity                   
          increases in volume from the initial “soft-close” volume.  In               
          contrast, step (c) of claim 1 calls for applying force to the               
          mold members to reduce a volume of the mold cavity and                      
          compress the resin simultaneously with injection.                           
               As to Maus’ first alternative mode, the reference                      
          discusses several schemes for coordinating the injection and                


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