Ex parte GROVE - Page 17

          Appeal No. 96-3174                                                          
          Application 07/970,608                                                      

          cavity simultaneously with resin injection.  Upon careful                   
          review of the entire disclosure of Maus, it is our conclusion               
          that there is no clear disclosure in Maus to this effect.                   
          With respect to the above quoted portions of the Maus                       
          disclosure pointed out by the examiner, initiating the                      
          compression portion of the molding cycle prior to the                       
          completion of injection, as described, for example, in column               
          14, lines 22-29, could perhaps result in applying a                         
          compressing force to the resin already in the mold cavity, but              
          this circumstance does not necessarily result.                              
          Notwithstanding the examiner’s implied position to the                      
          contrary, without a more complete description of Maus’ molding              
          cycle, it is simply not possible to discern precisely what                  
          happens to the resin melt already in the mold cavity upon                   
          commencing the compression portion of the mold cycle before                 
          the completion of injection.  In this regard, it is possible                
          that initializing the compression portion of the cycle before               
          full delivery of the resin results merely in displacing any                 
          void volume or gas in the oversized mold cavity, as occurs                  
          during the initial portion of the faster phase of Maus’ multi-              
          stage compression (column 14, lines 35-51; column 28, lines                 

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