Ex parte GROVE - Page 21

                 Appeal No. 96-3174                                                                                                                     
                 Application 07/970,608                                                                                                                 

                 suggested the desirability of the modification.  In re Gordon,                                                                         
                 733 F.2d at 902, 221 USPQ at 1127 (Fed. Cir. 1984)).  Maus                                                                             
                 contains no such suggestion.  Accordingly, we shall not                                                                                
                 sustain the standing § 103 rejection of claim 10, or of claims                                                                         
                 11-17 which depend therefrom, as being unpatentable over Maus.                                                                         
                          Independent claim 18 is directed to an apparatus for                                                                          
                 forming an article from molten resin comprising, inter alia,                                                                           
                 first and second mold members supported by first and second                                                                            
                 platen members, with both of said mold members surrounded by a                                                                         
                 relatively movable frame, whereby the oversized mold cavity is                                                                         
                 formed by contact of said frame with one of the mold members.6                                                                         
                          Maus discloses in Figures 2-8, for example, a first mold                                                                      
                 member 5a, 70 and a second mold member 5b supported,                                                                                   
                 respectively, by first and second mold platens 82, 90.  Maus                                                                           
                 further discloses a relatively movable frame 74 surrounding                                                                            

                          6As noted above, the whereby clause at the end of                                                                             
                 paragraph (b) of claim 18 is the subject of a rejection under                                                                          
                 35 U.S.C.                                                                                                                              
                 § 112, second paragraph, for indefiniteness.  For purposes of                                                                          
                 rendering a decision of the merits of the standing § 103                                                                               
                 rejection of this claim, we interpret the “whereby” clause at                                                                          
                 the end of paragraph (b) of claim 18 as reading “whereby said                                                                          
                 oversized mold cavity is formed by contact of said frame with                                                                          
                 one of said mold members.”                                                                                                             

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