Ex parte GROVE - Page 22

          Appeal No. 96-3174                                                          
          Application 07/970,608                                                      

          the mold member 5b.  When the platens 82, 90 are moved towards              
          each other, relatively movable frame 74 engages portion 70 of               
          the first mold member to define, with the mold members, a mold              
          cavity.  Unlike that which is called for in claim 18, however,              
          the relatively movable frame 74 of Maus does not appear at any              
          time to surround both of the mold member 5b and the mold                    
          member 5a, 70.                                                              
               In support of the standing § 103 rejections based on                   
          Maus, the examiner states on page 11 of the answer that                     
               appellant’s instantly claimed injection molding                        
               apparatus was generally well known and conventional                    
               in the art at the time of appellant’s invention, and                   
               was mostly illustrated by Maus et al . . . except                      
               for specifically referring to the mold members being                   
               surrounded by a relatively movable frame . . . .                       
               But this type of mold orientation was generally well                   
               known and conventional in the art at the time of                       
               appellant’s invention. [emphasis added]                                
          Based on these allegedly well known and conventional                        
          constructions in the prior art, the examiner implies that the               
          subject matter of claim 18 would have been obvious.                         
               We cannot support this implied position.  As with the                  
          other § 103 rejections based on Maus, the examiner has again                
          failed to supply the requisite factual basis to support a                   
          conclusion that it would have been obvious to one of ordinary               

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