Ex parte GROVE - Page 15

          Appeal No. 96-3174                                                          
          Application 07/970,608                                                      

          members to reduce a volume of the mold cavity and compress                  
          said plasticized resin therein,” as called for in step (c) of               
          claim 1.  Accordingly, this control scheme also does not                    
          provide a basis for an anticipation rejection of claim 1.                   
               We are left with Maus’ third scheme for controlling                    
          movement of the movable platen, i.e, by the position of the                 
          injecting screw of the resin melt injecting unit, as a                      
          possible basis for anticipation.  With respect to this control              
          scheme, the examiner points to several portions of the Maus                 
          disclosure, which, according to the examiner, establish that                
          Maus’ third scheme for controlling movement of the movable                  
          platen results in applying force to reduce a volume of the                  
          mold cavity and compress the resin simultaneously with                      
          injection, as called for in step (c) of appealed claim 1.                   
          These include: column 14, lines 22-29 (“The compression                     
          portion of the molding cycle is initiated off of sensors                    
          (preferably, screw position) even before the screw has                      
          actually completed its travel and before subsequent full                    
          delivery of the pre-determined injection volume . . . shot                  
          size is completed”); column 19, lines 32-34 (“such is exactly               
          the case in preferred embodiments of the present invention,                 

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