Ex parte GROVE - Page 8

          Appeal No. 96-3174                                                          
          Application 07/970,608                                                      

          undue experimentation.  See In re Scarbrough, 500 F.2d 560,                 
          566, 182 USPQ 298, 302 (CCPA 1974).  At the outset, we observe              
          that claims 10-14, 16 and 17 do not require that the                        
          compression of the resin takes place simultaneously with the                
          injection of the resin.  Thus, it is not clear how the                      
          examiner’s concerns regarding enablement are relevant to these              
               With respect to the remaining claims, independent claim 1              
          and the claims that depend therefrom require the step of                    
          applying force to the mold members to reduce a volume of the                
          mold cavity and compress the resin therein simultaneously with              
          the injection of the resin, independent claim 18 and the                    
          claims that depend therefrom require means for applying force               
          to the mold members to pressurize the resin therein                         
          simultaneously with the injection of resin, and claim 15,                   
          which depends from claim 10, requires that the force applying               
          step comprises simultaneously compressing and injecting the                 
               Turning to appellant’s disclosure, the specification, as               
          originally filed, states that “[s]imultaneously with the                    
          injection of melt, pressure is applied to reduce the volume of              

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