Ex parte GROVE - Page 6

          Appeal No. 96-3174                                                          
          Application 07/970,608                                                      

          not contain the language to which the objection has been made”              
          (brief, page 6).                                                            
               Having carefully reviewed the record of the present                    
          application, we find that claim 18 was most recently amended                
          by the amendment submitted on August 1, 1994 (Paper No. 16),                
          which amendment contained the following directive:                          
                    Claim 18, line 10, delete “are”; line 11, delete                  
               “the”; line 12, after “the” delete “other”; line 16,                   
               change “the” to --a--, and insert --mold-- before                      
               “cavity”. [emphasis added]                                             
               As a result of this amendment, the whereby clause at the               
          end of paragraph (b) of claim 18 now reads “whereby said                    
          oversized mold cavity is formed by contact of said frame with               
          the of said mold members;”.  In that appellant is incorrect in              
          his belief that claim 18 does not contain the language found                
          objectionable by the examiner, and in that appellant has not                
          otherwise disputed the examiner’s determination that the claim              
          18 as written is confusing, we are constrained to sustain the               
          standing § 112, second paragraph, rejection of claim 18.  We                
          note, for completeness sake, that we are in agreement with the              
          examiner’s position that the claim terminology in question is               
          vague and indefinite to the extent that the recitation “with                


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