Ex parte GROVE - Page 2

                 Appeal No. 96-3174                                                                                                                     
                 Application 07/970,608                                                                                                                 

                          This is a decision in an appeal from the examiner’s final                                                                     
                 rejection of claims 1-20, all the claims in the application.2                                                                          
                          Appellant’s invention pertains to a method (claims 1-17)                                                                      
                 and an apparatus (claims 18-20) for forming an article from a                                                                          
                 molten plasticized resin using an injection molding machine.                                                                           
                 Independent method claims 1 and 10 are representative of the                                                                           

                          2The present application, filed pursuant to 37 CFR § 1.62,                                                                    
                 purports to be a continuation-in-part application of parent                                                                            
                 application S.N. 07/749,937.  As stated in the Manual of                                                                               
                 Patent Examining Procedure (MPEP) § 201.06(b) (6th ed., Rev.                                                                           
                 2, July 1996, page 200-22), “[t]he original disclosure of an                                                                           
                 application filed under 37 CFR 1.62 will be the original                                                                               
                 parent application, amendments entered in the parent                                                                                   
                 application, and amendments filed on the filing date and                                                                               
                 referred to in the oath or declaration by the inventor(s).”                                                                            
                 In the present instance, a 37 CFR § 1.116 amendment originally                                                                         
                 submitted on September 4, 1992 (Paper No. 6) in the parent                                                                             
                 application, has been entered in the present application as a                                                                          
                 preliminary amendment (Paper No. 11).  However, this amendment                                                                         
                 was not entered in the parent application and was not referred                                                                         
                 to in the declaration filed on the filing date of the present                                                                          
                 application.  In light of these circumstances, appellant                                                                               
                 should take whatever steps he deems appropriate in order to                                                                            
                 avoid possible questions of lack of descriptive support in the                                                                         
                 original disclosure (i.e., “new matter”) for the changes to                                                                            
                 the claims effected by the previously unentered 37 CFR § 1.116                                                                         
                 amendment originally submitted in the parent application, and                                                                          
                 now entered in the present application as a preliminary                                                                                

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