Ex parte GROVE - Page 3

                 Appeal No. 96-3174                                                                                                                     
                 Application 07/970,608                                                                                                                 

                 appealed subject matter and copies thereof, as they appear in                                                                          
                 Appendix A of the appeal brief , are appended to this opinion.3                                                                                
                          The single reference of record relied upon by the                                                                             
                 examiner in support of rejections under 35 U.S.C. § 102(b) and                                                                         
                 35 U.S.C.                                                                                                                              
                 § 103 is:                                                                                                                              
                 Maus et al. (Maus)                                    4,828,769                                    May 9,                              

                          The following rejections are before us for review:                                                                            

                          3The present application contains no less than three                                                                          
                 appeal briefs.  A first brief (Paper No. 19) was submitted on                                                                          
                 March 22, 1995 and was found to be in non-compliance with 37                                                                           
                 CFR § 1.192(c) for various reasons.  See the notification of                                                                           
                 non-compliance mailed April 28, 1995 (Paper No. 20).  A second                                                                         
                 brief (Paper No. 21), entitled “New Complete Appeal Brief,”                                                                            
                 was submitted on May 31, 1995 and was also found to be in non-                                                                         
                 compliance with 37 CFR                                                                                                                 
                 § 1.192(c).  See the notification of non-compliance mailed                                                                             
                 November 3, 1995 (Paper No. 22).  There followed a third brief                                                                         
                 (Paper No. 25), entitled “Second New Complete Appeal Brief,”                                                                           
                 submitted on or about December 5, 1995.  Subsequently, the                                                                             
                 second notification of non-compliance was found to be in                                                                               
                 error.  See page 1 of the answer mailed January 22, 1996                                                                               
                 (Paper No. 24).  Accordingly, like the examiner, we will                                                                               
                 consider the second brief (Paper No. 21) as a properly filed                                                                           
                 appeal brief.  Any reference to “the brief” in this decision                                                                           
                 should be understood as referring to the second brief (Paper                                                                           
                 No. 21), i.e., the “New Complete Appeal Brief.”                                                                                        

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