Ex parte GROVE - Page 5

          Appeal No. 96-3174                                                          
          Application 07/970,608                                                      

          insufficiently filled cavity of claim 10 be completely filled,              
          as argued by appellant on page 6 of the brief.  Rather, claim               
          17 imposes a totally different requirement on the claim 10                  
          method, which requirement is inconsistent with the injecting                
          step previously required by claim 10.  Accordingly, the metes               
          and bounds of claim 17 cannot be determined with any                        
          reasonable degree of certainty since it cannot be determined                
          whether claim 17 calls for an injecting step that results in                
          insufficient filling of the mold cavity or complete filling of              
          the mold cavity.  It follows that we will sustain the standing              
          § 112, second paragraph, rejection of claim 17.                             
               Turning to the standing § 112, second paragraph,                       
          rejection of claim 18, the examiner states:                                 
                    Claim 18 is rejected . . . as being indefinite                    
               for failing to particularly point out and distinctly                   
               claim the subject matter which applicant regards as                    
               the invention.  Claim 18, as most recently amended                     
               by the amendment of August 1, 1994, in line 12,                        
               reads as follows: “contact of said frame with the of                   
               said mold members”, such that “with the of said mold                   
               members” is confusing. [answer, page 6]                                
               Appellant, however, contends that “claim 18 is believed                
          to be in accordance with Appendix A [of the brief] and does                 


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