Ex parte HERZL et al. - Page 3

                 Appeal No. 95-0692                                                                                                                     
                 Application 07/755,237                                                                                                                 

                          The following references are relied on by the examiner:2                                                                      
                 Boudreau et al. (Boudreau)                            4,654,788                           Mar. 31, 1987                                
                 Eikill et al. (Eikill)                                5,131,085                           Jul. 14, 1992                                
                                                                                         (Filed Dec. 4, 1989)                                           
                          Claims 1 to 6 stand rejected under 35 U.S.C. § 103.   As                                    3                                 
                 evidence of obviousness, the examiner relies upon Boudreau in                                                                          
                 view of Eikill.                                                                                                                        
                          Rather than repeat the positions of the appellants and                                                                        
                 the examiner, reference is made to the brief and the answer                                                                            
                 for the respective details thereof.                            4                                                                       

                          2The other two references listed at the top of page 3 of                                                                      
                 the answer have not been considered by us since, as noted by                                                                           
                 the examiner, they have not been relied upon in any rejection                                                                          
                 of any claim on appeal.                                                                                                                
                          3The bottom of the first page of the examiner’s answer                                                                        
                 indicates that the examiner has permitted entry of the                                                                                 
                 amendment filed with the brief.                                                                                                        
                          4The outstanding objection to the drawings under 37 CFR                                                                       
                 § 1.83(a) is a petitionable rather than appealable matter.  We                                                                         
                 note in passing, however, that we disagree with the examiner’s                                                                         
                 observation at page 8 of the answer that Fig. 3 does not                                                                               
                 provide a means for avoiding conflict.  The referenced                                                                                 
                 description in the paragraph bridging pages 12 and 13 of the                                                                           
                 specification as filed does, in our view, convey the conflict                                                                          
                 avoidance concept, but it appears that it may be more clearly                                                                          
                 depicted in the Fig. 3 version by modifications to the various                                                                         
                 arrows intercommunicating the priority logic units 91 and 92                                                                           
                 to be more consistent with the verbal description just noted                                                                           
                 at pages 12 and 13 of the specification.                                                                                               

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