Ex parte HERZL et al. - Page 4

          Appeal No. 95-0692                                                          
          Application 07/755,237                                                      

               As a result of our thorough study of the combined                      
          teachings and suggestions of Boudreau and Eikill, we must                   
          reverse the outstanding rejection of all claims on appeal                   
          under 35 U.S.C.                                                             
          § 103.                                                                      
               Despite the examiner’s attempt to correlate the various                
          teachings of the references in the statement of the rejection               
          at pages 3 through 5 of the answer as to the claims on appeal,              
          the relevance of each reference to the particular claim                     
          language recited in independent claims 1 and 4 on appeal is                 
          hard to determine individually, let alone collectively, as                  
          argued by the examiner.  Even in view of Boudreau’s teaching                
          in the paragraph bridging cols. 31 and 32 that it may be                    
          possible to use other types of priority resolution and timing               
          circuits than those disclosed in his patent, we find that the               
          artisan would not have found it obvious to have utilized the                
          grant token line 76 as well as the various select token lines               
          of each slave device connected to each master device of Eikill              
          in Boudreau.                                                                


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