Ex parte HERZL et al. - Page 6

          Appeal No. 95-0692                                                          
          Application 07/755,237                                                      

               Finally, the examiner’s attempt to correlate certain                   
          language of representative independent claims 1 and 4 on                    
          appeal to the specific teachings of each reference fails to                 
          convince us of a proper correlation.  With respect to the                   
          claimed priority logical functions, as in the representative                
          independent claim 4 above, this logic means can reserve its                 
          own requesting source’s default data bus for request of data                
          transfer only when all of the plurality of data buses are                   
          available.  Otherwise, such is stated to be delayed if all of               
          the plurality of data buses are not available, and such occurs              
          only when the token is passed to the requesting device and at               
          least one of the data buses does eventually become available.               
          The end of each independent claim recites further that the                  
          priority logic means must, upon receipt of the token by the                 
          requesting source, attempt to first reserve the requesting                  
          source’s default data bus, but, if such a default bus is not                
          available, the priority logic means must then attempt to                    
          reserve an alternate data bus. We do not see all of these                   
          features to be reasonably taught or suggested to the artisan                
          from both references relied upon within 35 U.S.C. § 103.                    


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