Ex parte HERZL et al. - Page 5

          Appeal No. 95-0692                                                          
          Application 07/755,237                                                      

               Page 4 of the answer asserts that Boudreau did not                     
          specifically disclose the requesting source attempting to                   
          reserve a bus.  The examiner appears to find this feature                   
          obvious alone in light of Boudreau’s priority resolver logic                
          circuits and timing generation circuits 21 in Fig. 1 and                    
          discussed beginning in the middle of column 5.  However, not                
          only does this reasoning of the examiner appear to be based                 
          upon prohibited hindsight, it also fails simply because the                 
          corresponding priority resolver logic circuits of Boudreau do               
          not teach or suggest such a reservation or attempt to reserve               
          in Boudreau.  On the other hand, Eikill’s ability to transfer               
          control of its working data bus prior to its use by next                    
          devices looks similar to an attempt to reserve a bus when a                 
          currently controlling device reaches the final cycle of its                 
          operation, that is, its transmission of working data, this                  
          device activates the grant token to indicate to all the other               
          connected devices that the currently controlling device is on               
          its final cycle of operation, thus freeing the interface for                
          the following cycle.  Eikill, col. 4, lines 12 to 14 and the                
          discussion beginning at col. 6, line 11.                                    


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