Ex parte BOUFFARD et al. - Page 10

          Appeal No. 95-3387                                                          
          Application No. 08/005,942                                                  

          which compare an echinocandin derivative with 4-methyl-3-                   
          hydroxyproline as the sixth residue against 19 compounds which              
          are echinocandin derivatives with 3-hydroxyproline residues as              
          the sixth residue.  The examiner responded in the Final                     
          Rejection (Paper #9, pages 2 and 3) taking the position that                
          the use of a broken line, in association with the methyl group              
          of the hydroxyproline residue at columns 33 and 34 of Schmatz,              
          suggested that the methyl can be a leaving group or that it                 
          can be cleaved.  The examiner also stated at page 3 of the                  
          Final rejection that:                                                       

                    Further, it is well established in the art                        
                    that a hydroxyproline residue containing                          
                    a methyl or a hydrogen atom (i.e., desmethyl)                     
                    are known to be functionally equivalent.                          
                    ...Thus, applicants' arguments, the                               
                    declarations of Mr. Bartizal, Jr. and                             
                    Balkovec are of no probative value                                
                    and are insufficient to overcome the 103                          
                    rejection since the comparison is not done                        
                    with the disclosure identical (not similar)                       
                    to that of the reference.                                         
          The examiner takes the same position with respect to '310                   
          Pat., '067 Pat. and Michel, because these publications also                 
          depict dotted lines in association with the methyl group on                 


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