Ex parte BAUGHMAN - Page 4

          Appeal No. 95-5000                                         Page 4           
          Application No. 08/021,883                                                  

          respective positions articulated by the appellant and the                   
          examiner.  Upon evaluation of all the evidence before us, it                
          is our conclusion that the evidence adduced by the examiner is              
          sufficient to establish a case of obviousness with respect to               
          all the claims under appeal.  Accordingly, we will sustain the              
          examiner's rejection of claims 1 to 5, 8, 9, 27 to 31, 34 and               
          38 to 43 under 35 U.S.C. § 103.  Our reasoning for this                     
          determination follows.                                                      

               In accordance with the appellant's "GROUPING OF CLAIMS"                
          (brief, p. 6), we need only review independent claims 1 and 27              
          to decide the appeal on the rejection under 35 U.S.C. § 103.                
          Dependent claims 2 to 5, 8, 9, 28 to 31, 34 and 38 to 43 will               
          stand or fall with their respective independent claim.                      

               As a preliminary matter, we base our understanding of the              
          phrase "a lake-like body of water" as recited in claims 1 and               
          27 to mean "a pond, lagoon, tank or other basin of water" for               
          consistency with the appellant's original disclosure                        
          (specification, pp. 1 and 7) since the term "lake" or "lake-                
          like" does not appear in the original disclosure.                           

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