Ex parte BAUGHMAN - Page 6

                 Appeal No. 95-5000                                                                                       Page 6                        
                 Application No. 08/021,883                                                                                                             

                 a basin containing the sewage.  Bailey prefers (col. 3, lines                                                                          
                 34-40) that the gas is injected into both chambers at a                                                                                
                 position between 0.1 and 0.4 times their total length below                                                                            
                 the level of sewage in the basin.2                                                                                                     

                          Bearden discloses a system and method for efficiently                                                                         
                 providing aeration of water in a ponding area such as a sewage                                                                         
                 ponding tank to maintain the oxygen content of the water at a                                                                          
                 level sufficient to satisfy the biological and chemical oxygen                                                                         
                 demand (BOD and COD).  As shown in Figure 1, the ponding area                                                                          
                 provided with an open-ended elongated tube 10 vertically                                                                               
                 positioned with its lower end above a gas bubble generator 15-                                                                         
                 18 so that gas bubbles are entrained in the liquid and carry                                                                           
                 the liquid and bubbles up through the tube.  A plurality of                                                                            
                 orifices 19 are provided in the tube walls to draw in liquid                                                                           
                 from the side portions of the tube at a point above the lower                                                                          
                 end of the tube to increase the efficiency of the aeration.                                                                            

                          2Accordingly, gas is injected into the riser at least 4                                                                       
                 meters below the basin when the riser and downcomer extend 40                                                                          
                 meters below the basin.                                                                                                                

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