Ex parte BAUGHMAN - Page 8

                 Appeal No. 95-5000                                                                                       Page 8                        
                 Application No. 08/021,883                                                                                                             

                 water that is located above said bottom being at all times                                                                             
                 less than about 1:10."                                                                                                                 

                          With regard to this difference, the appellant argues                                                                          
                 (brief, pp. 12-18) that the applied prior art would not have                                                                           
                 suggested this difference.  We do not agree.  We do not agree                                                                          
                 with the appellant's calculations that Bailey's below                                                                                  
                 ground/above ground volume ratios range from a minimum valve                                                                           
                 of just over 1:1 up to 7.2:1.   Our reading of Bailey leads us4                                                                                  
                 to conclude that insufficient information is provided by                                                                               
                 Bailey for one skilled in the art to be able to determine the                                                                          
                 below ground/above ground volume ratio.  While the claims of                                                                           
                 Bailey do recite "continuously circulating the bulk of sewage                                                                          
                 contained in the basin-downcomer-riser system at any one time                                                                          
                 down said downcomer, up said riser, and back down said                                                                                 
                 downcomer," it is our determination that such recitation does                                                                          
                 not justify a conclusion that Bailey's below ground/above                                                                              
                 ground volume ratio is at least 1:1.  In that regard, we view                                                                          
                 the term "bulk" as referring to the amount of sewage that is                                                                           

                          4See also page 6, lines 10-18, of the appellant's                                                                             

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