Ex parte SASAKI et al. - Page 7

                 Appeal No. 97-3918                                                                                                                     
                 Application 08/447,901                                                                                                                 

                 reviewable by petition rather than appeal, citing MPEP                                                                                 
                 § 608.04(c) (Answer at 3).  We would agree if the examiner had                                                                         
                 not also rejected the claims under the first paragraph of §                                                                            
                 112 on the same ground.   Although the stated ground of                                                                                
                 rejection is nonenablement, the reasoning given in support of                                                                          
                 the rejection suggests that the problem is a lack of written                                                                           
                 description support (final Office action  at 3):                        7                                                              
                                   The specification is objected to under 35 U.S.C. §                                                                   
                          112, first paragraph, as failing to teach how to make                                                                         
                          and/or use the invention.                                                                                                     
                                   The disclosure does not enable independent claim 2.                                                                  
                          It never mentions means for selectively adjusting the                                                                         
                          gain relative to the initiation of recording and                                                                              
                          reproducing modes.  It never defines predetermined times                                                                      
                          for changing the gain of the transconductance amplifier.                                                                      
                 Because the written description issue raised by the objection                                                                          
                 is the same as that raised by the rejection, it is appropriate                                                                         
                 under MPEP § 608.04(c) for us to consider the merits of both                                                                           
                 the objection and the rejection in this appeal.                                                                                        
                                   The test for determining compliance with the written                                                                 
                 description requirement is whether the disclosure of the                                                                               
                 application as originally filed, including the original                                                                                
                 drawings, would reasonably have conveyed to the artisan that                                                                           

                          7Paper No. 15.                                                                                                                
                                                                       - 7 -                                                                            

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