Ex parte SASAKI et al. - Page 12

          Appeal No. 97-3918                                                          
          Application 08/447,901                                                      

          variability are present, the examiner's position fails because              
          the prior art playback circuit does not selectively adjust the              
          gain "at predetermined times relative to the initiation of a                
          recording mode and to the initiation of a reproducing mode,"                
          as required by claim 2.  The rejection of claims 2 and 9 as                 
          anticipated by the prior art playback circuit shown in                      
          appellants' Figure 22 therefore is reversed.                                
               The examiner's argument for obviousness, which presumes                
          that the amplifier does not inherently have variable gain, is               
          that      it would have been obvious to one of ordinary skill               
                    in the art to have provided a notoriously well known              
                    and conventional variable gain type amplifier.                    
                    The motivation for this modification would have been              
               to provide a more flexible system.  A fixed gain                       
               amplifier device would possess only limited utility.                   
               [Final Office action at 4-5.]                                          
          The Answer further explains (at 4, lines 5-8) that the artisan              
          would have been motivated "to make a more flexible system,                  
          since a constant gain amplifier would be very vulnerable to                 
          fluctuations in signal level, while a variable gain amplifier               
          could adapt to such variations."  This reasoning fails to                   
          explain why the artisan would have been motivated to control                
          the gain in the manner required by claim 2, i.e., to                        
          "selectively adjust[] the gain at predetermined times relative              
                                       - 12 -                                         

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