Ex parte LOBODA et al. - Page 4

          Appeal No. 97-4091                                                          
          Application 08/382,701                                                      

          interconnecting the solid state device regions, the metal                   
          wiring having a resistivity less than about 2.5 microhm-                    
               B) an amorphous silicon carbide layer covering the metal               
          wiring; and                                                                 
               C) a second layer of metal wiring formed on the layer of               
          amorphous silicon carbide, wherein the second layer of metal                
          wiring is electrically connected to the first layer of metal                
               15.  A wiring board comprising:                                        
               A) a wiring board subassembly containing thereon metal                 
          wiring having a resistivity less than about 2.5 microhm-                    
               B) an amorphous silicon carbide layer covering the metal               
          wiring; and                                                                 
               C) a dielectric layer covering the silicon carbide layer.              


               We do not sustain the rejection of claims 1-15 under                   
          35 U.S.C. § 103 as being unpatentable over Yonezawa and Yamazaki.           
               This decision is based solely on the rationale as                      
          articulated by the examiner.  We offer no opinion on the                    
          patentability of any claim based on other grounds.                          
               We begin our discussion with claim interpretation.  All                
          three independent claims specifically require that the amorphous            
          silicon carbide layer be "covering" the metal wiring.  The word             
          "covering" appears in the original claims as filed and the                  

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