Ex parte LOBODA et al. - Page 8

          Appeal No. 97-4091                                                          
          Application 08/382,701                                                      

          importantly, there is no such per se rule under the precedents of           
          the Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit, our reviewing                 
               There must be some reason to duplicate only those parts the            
          examiner would have duplicated and the putting together of the              
          duplicated parts as proposed by the examiner must be reasonably             
          suggested by the prior art as well.  The mere fact that the prior           
          art may be modified in the manner suggested by the Examiner does            
          not make the modification obvious unless the prior art suggested            
          the desirability of the modification.  In re Fritch, 972 F.2d               
          1260, 1266, 23 USPQ2d 1780, 1783-84 (Fed. Cir. 1992).  It is also           
          impermissible to use the claimed invention as an instruction                
          manual or "template" to piece together the teachings of the prior           
          art so that the claimed invention is rendered obvious.  In re               
          Fritch, supra.  One also cannot use hindsight reconstruction to             
          pick and choose among isolated disclosures in the prior art.                
          In re Fine, 837 F.2d 1071, 1075, 5 USPQ2d 1596, 1600 (Fed. Cir.             
               It is the burden of the examiner to establish why one having           
          ordinary skill in the art would have been led to the claimed                
          invention by the express teachings or suggestions found in the              


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