Ex parte MAHULIKAR et al. - Page 2

                 Appeal No. 1996-0060                                                                                                                   
                 Application No. 08/033,596                                                                                                             

                 Accordingly, claims 1 through 13, 15 through 19, 21, 23                                                                                
                 through 26, 28 through 30, 32 and 34 through 36  remain before                      2                                                  
                 us on appeal.                                                                                                                          
                          The disclosed invention relates to an electronic package.                                                                     
                          Claims 1 and 25 are illustrative of the claimed                                                                               
                 invention, and they read as follows:                                                                                                   
                          1.  An electronic package, comprising:                                                                                        
                          a metallic base having interior and exterior surfaces;                                                                        
                          a plurality of electrically conductive vias extending                                                                         
                 through said metallic base and terminating approximately at                                                                            
                 said exterior surface, said electrically conductive vias                                                                               
                 adapted to receive a first electrically conductive means                                                                               
                 selected from the group consisting of solders, conductive                                                                              
                 polymers and conductive sealing glasses adjacent said exterior                                                                         
                          a second electrically conductive means selected from the                                                                      
                 group consisting of thick films, thin films, internal circuit                                                                          
                 boards, wire bonds and metallic foils interconnecting said                                                                             
                 electrically conductive vias to an electronic device mounted                                                                           
                 on said metallic base; and                                                                                                             
                          a cover bonded to said metallic base with said electronic                                                                     
                 device disposed therebetween.                                                                                                          
                          25.    An electronic package, comprising:                                                                                     

                          2It is noted that claim 36 still depends from canceled                                                                        
                 claim 31.                                                                                                                              

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