Ex parte MAHULIKAR et al. - Page 5

                 Appeal No. 1996-0060                                                                                                                   
                 Application No. 08/033,596                                                                                                             

                 is nothing in Shindo that anticipates terminal pins that                                                                               
                 terminate at the exterior surface of the base.”                                                                                        
                          Appellants’ arguments to the contrary notwithstanding,                                                                        
                 there is nothing in claims 1 and 2 that requires the                                                                                   
                 termination of terminal pins “approximately at said exterior                                                                           
                 surface” of the metallic base.  In fact, terminal pins are not                                                                         
                 recited in claims 1 and 2.  Claims 1 and 2 only require that                                                                           
                 the conductive vias  terminate “approximately at said exterior4                                                                                                    
                 surface.”  The vias 1b in Shindo do exactly that.  Thus, in                                                                            
                 the absence of other arguments by appellants, we will sustain                                                                          
                 the 35 U.S.C. § 102(b) rejection of claims 1 and 2.                                                                                    
                          Turning next to the obviousness rejection of claim 3, and                                                                     
                 the claims that depend therefrom, appellants argue (Brief,                                                                             
                 page 13) that the base 1 in Shindo is made from iron or a                                                                              
                 fermalloy, and that “[t]here is nothing in Shindo to teach or                                                                          
                 suggest forming the base from copper, aluminum or alloys                                                                               
                 thereof.”  We agree with appellants’ argument.  A mere                                                                                 
                 statement by the examiner (Answer, page 3) that such materials                                                                         

                          4According to the McGraw-Hill Electronics Dictionary, a                                                                       
                 “via” is nothing more than a through-hole in a layer of                                                                                
                 material.  A copy of the dictionary definition is attached.                                                                            

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