Ex parte MAHULIKAR et al. - Page 6

          Appeal No. 1996-0060                                                        
          Application No. 08/033,596                                                  

          are “very well known in the art” cannot take the place of                   
          evidence or a convincing line of reasoning by the examiner                  
          that demonstrates that such a conclusion is correct.  In                    
          short, the obviousness rejection of claims 3 through 8, 10                  
          through 13, 15 through 19, 21, 23 and 24 is reversed because                
          the examiner has not made a prima facie showing of                          
               Based upon the foregoing reversal of the 35 U.S.C. § 103               
          rejection of claim 4, it follows that the 35 U.S.C. § 102(b)                
          rejection of claim 9 must be reversed because claim 9 depends               
          from claim 4 (Brief, page 10).                                              
               As indicated supra, appellants argue that none of the                  
          terminal pins in the applied references terminate                           
          “approximately at said exterior surface” of a metallic                      
          base/cover.  We agree.  The terminal pins 3 in Shindo, the                  
          terminal pins 20 in McShane and the terminals pins 10 in                    
          Yamamoto all terminate well beyond the “exterior surface” of                
          any base or cover.  The broadness of the claim language                     
          notwithstanding (Answer, page 6), the applied references                    
          neither teach nor would they have suggested to one of ordinary              
          skill in the art to terminate the terminal pins at the claimed              

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