Ex parte SAWADA et al. - Page 8

          Appeal No. 98-2457                                                          
          Application No. 08/851,312                                                  

               In addition, on page 8 of the answer, the examiner has                 
          made the further determination that                                         
                        If it is determined that Jin et al. does                     
                    not fairly suggest "hot-plastic deformation",                     
                    then one having ordinary skill in the art would                   
                    have found it obvious to subject the composite                    
                    body thereof to hot plastic deformation in order                  
                    to more easily                                                    
                    deform the metal pipe, since it is the                            
                    state of the art to subject metal to hot-                         
                    plastic deformation during a wire forming                         
                    operation, as evidenced by Fig. 15-15 of                          
                    "Powder Metallurgy".                                              

          After reviewing the teachings of Jin, we must agree with                    
          appellants that the mere fact that Jin (col. 5, line 33, to                 
          col. 6, line 11) may disclose the possibility of cross section              
          reducing steps that can occur "either at room temperature or                
          at some other (typically elevated) temperature" and relatively              
          slow cooling of the sintered article from 700º-950º C to a                  
          temperature in the range of 300º-700º C, would not appear to                
          have been fairly suggestive to one of ordinary skill in the                 
          art at the time of appellants’ invention of the particular                  
          processes set forth by appellants in the claims before us on                
          appeal.  With regard to independent claim 28, there is nothing              
          in Jin or in Metallurgy which would have been suggestive of a               


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