Ex parte SAWADA et al. - Page 15

          Appeal No. 98-2457                                                          
          Application No. 08/851,312                                                  

          28.  A process for manufacturing a superconducting                          
          elongated article including the steps of:                                   
          filling a metal pipe with material powder of a                              
          superconducting compound oxide;                                             
          subjecting the metal pipe filled with the material powder                   
          first to cold-plastic deformation and then to hot-plastic                   
          deformation to reduce the cross section of the metal pipe;                  
          sintering the material powder filled in the metal pipe;                     
          and then                                                                    
          controlling the cooling of the resulting metal pipe                         
          containing sintered ceramic material powder to a rate of less               
          than 50EC/min.                                                              

          40.  A process for manufacturing s [sic,a]                                  
          superconducting elongated article [sic] the steps of:                       
          filling material powder of a superconducting compound                       
          oxide into a metal pipe made of at least one [sic] selected                 
          from the group consisting of Ag, Au, Pt, Pd, Rh, Ir, Ru, Os,                
          Cu, Al, Fe, Ni, Cr, Ti, Mo, W and Ta or alloys including these              
          metals as the base;                                                         
          subjecting the metal pipe filled with the material powder                   
          to hot-plastic deformation [sic] reduce the cross section of                
          the metal pipe to such extent that the cross section of the                 
          metal pipe is reduced at a dimensional reduction ratio ranging              
          from 16% to 92% under a heated condition, so that the material              
          powder filled in the metal pipe is sintered; and then                       
          cooling the resulting metal pipe containing sintered                        
          ceramic material powder therein slowly at a rate of a less                  
          than 50EC/min.                                                              


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