Ex parte SAWADA et al. - Page 12

          Appeal No. 98-2457                                                          
          Application No. 08/851,312                                                  

          pipe, the process therein (e.g., col. 6, lines 1-11) then                   
          requires separate heat treatment of the reduced cross section               
          filled pipe to provide substantial sintering of the oxide                   
          powder, typically in the range of 700º-950º C.  Nothing in Jin              
          is suggestive of hot-plastic deformation and sintering of the               
          superconducting compound oxide powder of the filled pipe in                 
          the same operation, as required in claim 40 on appeal.                      
          Moreover, we again note that the examiner has failed to                     
          demonstrate that the claimed rate of cooling is taught or                   
          fairly suggested by Jin.  Nor, for the same reasons expressed               
          with regard to claim 28 above, do we find the examiner’s                    
          alternative position that the claimed rate of cooling is                    
          merely "deemed to be a matter of design choice" persuasive                  

          Accordingly, the examiner’s rejection of independent                        
          claim 40, and the claims which depend therefrom, under 35                   
          U.S.C. § 103 as being unpatentable over Jin "with/without the               
          state of the art" is also not sustained.                                    


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