Ex parte OCHI et al. - Page 9

          Appeal No. 1998-2471                                       Page 9           
          Application No. 08/222,913                                                  

          greater than said first value ....”  Independent claim 11                   
          similarly specifies in pertinent part the following                         
          limitation: “an ink exhaustion indicating liquid ... having                 
          ... an electrical resistance greater than the electrical                    
          resistance of said ink ....”  Independent claim 22 similarly                
          specifies in pertinent part the following limitation: “one of               
          said liquids being ink having an electrical                                 
          resistance of a first value;       the other one of said                    
          liquids having an electrical resistance of a second value                   
          which is greater than said first value ....”  Giving the                    
          claims their broadest reasonable interpretation, the                        
          limitations recite an indicating liquid with a resistance that              
          is greater than that of an ink.                                             

               The examiner fails to show a teaching or suggestion of                 
          these limitations in the prior art.  “A rejection based on                  
          section 103 clearly must rest on a factual basis ....”  In re               
          Warner, 379 F.2d 1011, 1017, 154 USPQ 173, 178 (CCPA 1967).                 
          “The Patent Office has the initial duty of supplying the                    
          factual basis for its rejection.  It may not ... resort to                  
          speculation, unfounded assumptions[,] or hindsight                          

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