Ex parte OCHI et al. - Page 15

          Appeal No. 1998-2471                                      Page 15           
          Application No. 08/222,913                                                  

               For the foregoing reasons, the examiner has established a              
          prima facie case of obviousness.  Therefore, we affirm the                  
          rejection of claims 13-15.  Next, we address the obviousness                
          of claims 16 and 17.                                                        

                                  Claims 16 and 17                                    
               Regarding claims 16 and 17, the appellants argue that the              
          claims “require that the cylindrical member has a curved cross              
          section and that the cylindrical member has a tapered cross                 
          section, respectively.  This structure is not shown or                      
          suggested by Murai or the other references applied.”  (Appeal               
          Br. at 18.)  The examiner replies, “such a modification would               
          have involved a mere change in the shape of a component.”                   
          (Examiner’s Answer at 20.)  The appellants respond, “from the               
          result of this structure as set forth in the specification, a               
          ‘boiler plate’ rejection that it is a design change is not                  
          viable.”  (Reply Br. at 7.)                                                 

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